
  • "gentle guidance creating space for you to blossom in your own time and in your own way”

    "Katrina's enthusiasm and joy for fostering community and healing is a gift unto itself. She offers gentle guidance to your own unfurling, creating space for you to blossom in your own time and in your own way. Leading by example, she illuminates an approach that celebrates aliveness, interconnectedness, sacred stillness, and the wild wonderful reaches of the self."


  • “Katrina has the ability to create and hold a safe space while honouring the sacredness of each individual she works with."”

    It is with great pleasure I introduce to you my good friend and Colleague Katrina Curry. I was blessed to meet Katrina over twenty years ago. We participated and completed a two-year Hakomi training program. It was during this specialized training that I paid witness to the incredible human being she is and continues to be. Her authenticity is truly humbling, and her core of caring is second to none. In all my years I have never met someone so present, someone that can sit in the silence of the moment. Katrina has the ability to create and hold a safe space while honouring the sacredness of each individual she works with. She has a beautiful way of building relationship and establishing heart felt trust. I hold deep respect for the healing work she does.

    As a proud Indigenous Woman, Mother and Kokum, I have always felt “seen” and validated by Katrina. She has always been passionate and supportive of the struggles of the Indigenous Peoples. In so many ways Katrina has a “born sense” of connection to Sacred Mother Earth. Her openness to always want to learn and stay curious is wonderful.”

    -June, Registered Clinical Counselor

  • “You completely expanded my horizon.”

    I wanted to reach out and let you know how grateful I feel to have attended your workshop…. I have been a dancer for many years searching for the words to explain to others how therapeutic movement is and have had such a desire to bring these healing elements into the field and am so thankful to have learned more ways to explain these things from you. You completely expanded my horizon and I learned so much from our time together that I am still trying to process it all! …It truly makes my heart so warm to know that there are people like you in the field doing the work you do.…Thank you again for inspiring me with your openness and sharing your knowledge.

    — Sky

  • “I wanted to share my deep gratitude for our supervision session today."

    “Throughout the day I was able to reconnect to so many supports within and outside of my body, and continue to feel into the ancient wisdom, which very much supported me in supporting all of my clients today. I was better able to engage my body and thus stay curious and get creative with how to best engage with all of my client's moment to moment.

    I am so grateful for the reflections you provided today. Thank you for guiding me to keep coming back to earth body and ancient wisdom.

    So much gratitude,

    G, Licensed Counselor”

  • “bright, inquisitive body storyteller"

    “Katriona helped create a safe and brave learning container. She brought all the parts of herself to invigorate this community of learners, including systemic and creative lenses to the process. I have experienced and felt her passion, commitment, and gentleness in bringing difficult topics to the group with invitational and inspirational attitudes. I have seen her engaging in painful conversations with open heart and curiosity.

    Because of her outspoken nature, I have witnessed her stepping forward to become an ally of marginalized positions and also to challenge those individuals in privileged locations. I have observed how proactive she is in her own self-reflection and personal work to unpack normative societal influences, unlearned embodied racism and be an avid detector of power and oppression dynamics.

    Her ability to both take leadership when needed is paired up with her sensitivity to step back to give the stage and the space to other individuals and communities. With all these qualities Katriona quickly establishes a safe enough environment for the people she is working with, while also inviting play and creativity and other sensitive interventions to make this work as sustainable and organic as possible.

    Katriona is a bright and inquisitive woman committed to an inviting and caring approach. She is an avid learner with deep integrity. A body storyteller, sensitive photographer inspirator, and life singer. She embodies a practice of healing restoration that integrates a belief in deep connection and belonging to ourselves and each other.”

    Laia Jorba, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Faculty

  • “passion and humor”

    "Working with Katrina I appreciate her profound professional background, as well as the passion and humor that becomes clearly visible in her teaching. She is an exceptionally gifted leader, therapist and dancer."

    — Edgar Spieker, Soul Motion Teacher and Faculty of the Soul Motion School

“This supervision was uplifting and encouraging, helping me feel where I can grow, in a gentle way. I felt validated in the enormity of the work AND witnessing the growth the reprieve, the present moment and the joy.

I learned to help my client begin to take in small portions of goodness, step by step, and I can guide her to look for this in herself and others and in life, practicing with me in session, and hopefully transferring these skills to the outside world on her own.

I loved your analogy of putting rocks in the river to step on, and not get taken by the undertow. That analogy stuck with me.

You helped me realize that I can do Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with more and more clients - even if I cannot go to processing trauma with SP, because they really need a lifetime of resourcing.

As for my own spirituality of my person, and my self care, you provided a place for that awareness, which is a nugget of gold.

I just wanted to express my gratitude for providing this space. I’m like a person who has crossed a dessert for many days, and received a long-needed drink of cool water.

With sincere gratitude,

A, Certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapist


There's an expansive quality to her presence…that invites a full range of self-expression

“What is the magical blend that makes for a skillful teacher and facilitator?  Classes with Katriona have shed some light on the mysterious recipe.  First of all, she brings her tenderhearted strength and vulnerability to her teaching.  There's an expansive quality to her presence--joyful, earnest, compassionate--that invites a full range of self-expression.  She seems to intuit when to step forward to provide structure and support; she also knows when to step back and just witness the glory unfolding on the floor.  Her facilitation never feels intrusive and has a quality of respectfully deepening me into my own present moment experience.  More than anything, I want an experience on the dance floor (and in my life) of getting out of my own way and, paradoxically, being fully myself--letting the infinite dance/move through me in the particularity of my embodiment.  Katriona's presence and holding of space have given me a delicious taste of that experience!”

Michael Murphy, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist