What draws you to this program?
Please share about your curiosity, longings, hopes, yearning, needs that bring you to this application
Your Experience in Embodiment Arts, Somatic Approaches
Please share a little about your background in these areas
Your Experience/Background in Social Justice/Anti-Oppressive Praxis
Please share a little about your previous training or experiential learning in these areas, and your orientation to or understanding of this work
Your current and/or historical relationship with Earth
Please share a little about your current and/or historical experience of your relations with Earth
Any Accessibility Needs/Requirements
Please share a little about any accessibility threads that are important in shaping a viable and nourishing learning context for you
Your Social Location
Please share a little about your social location, whatever you are willing to share - such as, your gender identity, racial location, age, languages, dis/abilities, cultural contexts, ethnicity, sexual orientation, neurodivergence neurotypes etc.
Your Current comfort level in groups
Please share a little about your current feelings of comfort or discomfort regarding being in groups; is this relatively easeful, stressful, somewhere in between? Perhaps share a little about your hopes and fears about being in this training group.
Anything Else You'd Like me to know
please share in brief, anything else that may have relevance to your participation